
Flowers and Design, Oh my! Website Creation Galore

I'd like to announce that two new websites have launched, Flowers by Bella and Dustin Collis Consulting.

From the exact words of Flowers By Bella:

is a floral design studio, serving the Washington DC and Richmond metro areas, whose primary focus is custom work for special events and corporate clients.

At Flowers By Bella, each order is custom tailored to fit your space, design scheme and mood you wish to convey. Because we are a design studio, we are free to concentrate on you without the clamor of last minute call in floral deliveries.

If you want quality, friendly flower service - she's the one to contact.

Dustin Collis Consulting is my own personal site. Give it a look ;>


Airport Bars

Young girl
in pink

wants chips
and coke.

The chips from across the pond.
But really choclate chips
would be the spot filler.


Timing of God II

The angry voice faded away from the corpse littered ground. Blood pushed like spikes into skin, forcing the earth to take more of the ghastly nectar. Dotted amongst the disfigured forms were spectacles of white – orchids amongst the red clay – with ghostly wings spreading in all directions. Some were broken, scattered plastic-like slivers slowly being submerged in the sludge that existed below.

A beautiful creature sat amongst this, the area around him clear of debris, blood, and carnage. His weeping was audible across the clearing. Great sobs wracked his form, causing his wings to shake erratic as if in some stop-motion photography exhibition gone horribly wrong.

“Saul. Why do you weep so?” The voice was from another, less beautiful, but still grand. The red crisscross of blood fashioned him active in the events of earlier. The gore at his feet, twisted forms of humans before him, speared the notion to be the truth.

The sobs continued. So frail, so genuine, they drowned out the sound of breath and the pulse of ones own heart; so wicked of this place to be the home of such a precious sound.

“They came for us Saul, we did not begin this. We did not want such a protest.” The dull eyes of the creature were sad, but concentrated and his concern was evident in his soft lyrical voice. He was standing behind his friend, watching his body convulse in sobs that were foreign to his kind.

“Lenity is what I would have asked for. For them I asked it a thousand times.” The words came between the jagged sobs, in between the heaving wings that fluttered above.

“And what He did show them was not a perception of the faintest glimpse. But snatched with impropriety his implicit blessing and own selfish gift of freewill.” The sobs abated. His hands cradled a bundled in front of him. A wrapping of white, laced from within by a dark red stain.

“Now where are we to linger Renal? What to admire and imagine? The already created, never to be done again – is over. In mere moments this experiment will be over. Thousands of years of purpose crushed like a child’s hope of flight.” Saul’s breath turned hot and his cheeks burned with a new found anger.

“Calm yourself.” Stern now, Renal’s voice lost all of its sympathy as he walked slowly to face Saul. “You are still an Angel of Heaven. You cannot wish to be otherwise at such a time. There is nothing else.”

Saul looked around. His eyes lingering on torn bodies, jumping quickly once a body part was identified in his mind. Then, slowly, back down at the small bundle in his hands. The anger began to boil inside him as he once again realized what it was. His hands clenched uncontrollably while a new thought tumbled through his mind. “We both know that isn’t true Saul. We both know there is an alternative.”

The voice of Renal cleansed itself of emotion and the reply was carefully worded.

“If you choose that path and announce it to me, I will act. Your entire history will be swept from the Heavenly Book and my eyes will be washed of your sight. Your words will be swept from the air. Every good you’ve ever accomplished, miracle worked, hand holding done – gone, in moments. Do not think further on this, the end is already written.”

“Oh great Tempter, claim me!” The yell pierced the calm of the new graveyard. And another orchid fell to the sludge. The spasm of thought expanded the wings, hoping for an escape. A sharpened stake, crafted for defense, found itself embedded in Renal’s chest, his hands grasping it almost lovingly. Fingers, gently caressing the wood began to jerk and convulse.

“It is written, Saul.” Renal’s eyes closed and his hands fell limp.

Saul, realized that his hands were empty. The small bundle forgotten in his rage, had been dropped, discarded like a sack and lay at his feet. A tiny hand stuck out, a small cut on the palm that Saul knew ran the length of its body. This had been a massacre, not a war.


This is how you show passion

Michelle Malkin has a great round up of the Weldon-Able Danger-rant. Not only is he right on target, but damn is he not going to let this drop.

Go get them Weldon. And I'm not sure about the rest of America, but if more politicians were like you, we'd probably like them a bit more.

A Big Thanks

I'd like to extend a big thanks to John Tranter over at Jacket Magazine. Over the past few days we've had a brief email exchange and the result is that Jacket will be publishing two of my poems. This is my first publish of any kind, so I'm feeling pretty happy about it.

First step of world domination, check!

So, make sure to check out all the editions of the magazine, I'll be in Issue 29!


Fears of the ICC - Smaller Version

A Spanish Judge has issued an international arrest warrant for three American GI's. (via Drudge)

Isn't this the exact reason we aren't signed on to the ICC? And isn't this the exact type of thing those who would mollify our petty and undeserved fears said would never happen? Pathetic!

The Spanish judge said he issued the arrest order because of a lack of judicial cooperation from the United States regarding the case.

Crazy! Because we didn't prosecute our soldiers for doing something we felt was not an illegal action is hardly lack of cooperation! Why didn't you pull out your journalists when your soldiers went running for cover - cowards.


Finally! Some Immigrant Movement

And finally, the Bush Adminstration may be moving forward with some type of immigration reform.

Chertoff speaks - and it is good:

"Our goal at DHS (Homeland Security) is to completely eliminate the 'catch and release' enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions."

Within a year, Chertoff states. Wouldn't that be a huge rallying point for conservatives today - it would be to me.

The article goes on to talk about the instant contradiction that Cuba offers. But isn't that a form of political asylum far different (and more acceptable) than simply watching as our porous borders are bombarded by illegals? I'll take a Cuban loophole any day.

Iraqi High "Yes" Vote Tally Questioned

This is kind of amusing. Now that we have democratic systems set up in Iraq, everyone is up in arms about the latest vote and the potential for abuse.

More Here>>

I wonder why the same Media that is jumping all over this, ignored and even backed Saddam's 99% "Yes" vote not so long ago. Interesting little twist on the situation to be sure.


To my daughters

This may seem odd, knowing that I wrote this to you so long ago – and perhaps the opinions may seem antiquated to you, in this the age of Moore’s Law, progressive thinking, and news clips delivered in seconds. But this letter is something you should read, understand, and hold close to your hearts. While I’m sure each of you will blossom into an individual, this particular letter is to both of you, my daughters, and hopefully you will be of an age (past the childish bickering of siblings) and a place in your life where you can share this with each other. Excuse the meandering mind of your Father, as I’m sure you’ve already become accustomed to doing, and I thank you for allowing me yet more time to lecture.

Unlike you, I grew up poor. Not poor as in I couldn’t get brand names or that new gadget poor. That isn’t poor my children, that’s unlucky. Poor is not having running water, electricity, clothing, food when you need it, and friends to help you through. Do not pity the people who are poor however, pity those who through no fault of their own, must remain in that state. Pity the mentally ill, the maimed veteran, the handicapped, and the criminal who cannot return to society – although his will be strong and his mind and deeds strong.

Growing up poor does not equate to a poor life. It just means you have to strive harder to get a better life, and once there, work harder to stay. Many of life’s lessons are learned through experience. Hopefully while reading this, you’re nodding your head and remembering the lessons you learned concerning finances, obligation, responsibility, and duty to your family, friends, and country. All of those things are important to your future and to your family’s future. While growing up I was never taught how to trust, to love, to hold dear – those things were second to the necessities, and often found no place in my schedule. What I did learn though, and what I hope I have already imparted in you to some degree, is how to learn.

Learning is essential. Never stop, never feel satisfied with the last bit of knowledge you obtained. Read all the time. If you aren’t reading, write. If you aren’t writing, build. If you aren’t building, create! In all of these things, you learn. One must learn to do, and to do successfully one is forced to improve. The only way to improve is to learn. The circle closes itself with one small out. A dangerous out that lingers and nags, slowly grabbing at your shoe laces, hoping you’ll look down to notice it. That out is laziness.

Laziness, in life, love, work, family, yourself – will lead to a certain and undeniable death. Not death in the sense that your heart will stop beating, your lungs stop breathing – nothing so easy to escape. Death in that your life will have become meaningless. Your children will learn nothing from you, your friends will gain nothing from you, and your life will stumble and fall into a hole of complacency. This said, being content in ones life is not what I am against. I don’t wish for you to constantly be in upheaval, forcing yourself to change careers day after day, week after week, lives ruined because of change! No, children, I’m asking that you improve yourself – learn so that you do not fail yourself – and in some small measure, me -- in the process of living.

Live a moral life. What you do in the privacy of your own bedroom is your affair and is your business, and your partners business, alone. What you do in the streets, the walkways, and the public spaces effects everyone and should be scrutinized with the most intense honesty available. Are you kind to others? Do you ask questions politely? When driving, do you cut people off, take their parking spaces, and ignore others while taking the right-of-way? These are the stepping stones of civility. Without civility, we become base, servile to debauchery with no hope of escaping. Earn respect, do not demand it – and when it isn’t given after you’ve earned it, don’t demand it louder. Humble yourself. Not at the expense of being yourself, but do not be more than you are, or ever more than someone else is. You are the most valuable creatures on the earth to me, but remember that others have Fathers to. Others have daughters. Others have Mothers. Do not take away their place on the pedestal with arrogance on your behalf. Stay true to your partners. Stay true to your faith, if you choose to believe, until a point comes where you decide otherwise. If your faith is true, then throw yourself into it and love it. To love it, to live it, will give you eternal peace of mind where disgracing it will force you to wallow in guilt and obsess over regret.

Now I must remind you to be strong for yourself. Never give an inch to a person who would take it from you with force. Be strong for your family, fighting for what is right for them and yourself. So many today fall into the trap of relativism. Not everything is equal and not everything is as worthy of being considered. But those decisions, on what to weigh and what weight to give them – are yours. This letter is to just to remind you. If you feel something is wrong for your family, learn about it. In learning, you may come to ‘understand’ more about the issue, understanding and acceptance are two different things. You can understand a rapist without accepting him. You can tolerate those that would worship another God, without accepting that their God is the correct one. You can tolerate a person’s profession without accepting that it is what you view as correct.

In this country, we have a great divide of opinion. The Left, the Right, the far Left, the far Right, Independents, Libertarians, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and the Green Party to name a few, all hold some slice of the political spectrum. This is the new religion of today. If you feel caught up in it – learn. Learn about the views you purport to support. If you don’t agree with them, stop supporting that group. If you agree with them but a few are ‘iffy’ then try and get the party to change. If that doesn’t happen, move on. Change your views only when YOU decide to do so. Don’t get caught up in trendy rhetoric. Get to the bottom of the story, have a critical mind that sniffs out spin and propaganda. Now, this may surprise you when I say it, but respect the people on the other side of that divide. Respect them so much that it pisses you off. Your Father fought for their ability to hold their opinions as much as I fought for you to hold yours. They don’t have to be right, but they damn well have the right to have them. In America, we are separated by so many things, race, class, religion, political bent, hair color, shoe size, clothing taste, job – but we’re bound together by a bond that transcends that. A membership to a group that is created by a subtle yet invasive mooring of spirit binds us – we’re still the pioneers of the world. Every day our country does something never done before, and if we’re not doing it today, we’re planning it for tomorrow. Never begrudge yourself your position in life. Someone worked very hard for you to have the opportunity you have now. Someone toiled long hours, under harsh circumstances, while barely making it by – so you can read this letter.

This small missive can’t possibly convey all that I believe is important in life. But it brings the spirit of who I hope you are or if you are not, who you will become, to the surface. Examine it please. Take a few minutes of introspective thought, and touch upon the soul of who you’ve become. Beautiful people often hide their grace for fear of it being ridiculed. I’d rather be shamed and beautiful, than ugly and decadent.

I’ll leave with you the immortal words of Robert Herrick, the title may not fit any longer (much to my graying dismay!), but the intent does linger so near the truth as to be indistinguishable. And my girls, like you, it is both beautiful and has found a special place in my heart in which to dwell.


GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying :
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer ;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may go marry:
For having lost but once your prime
You may for ever tarry.

Your father